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Principal Welcome


Reminders from Mrs. Cochran
School Day
  • 7:35AM – 2:00PM
  • Doors open at 7:25, tardy bells rings at 7:35AM
  • Any student who arrives after 7:35AM will be tardy. Students will need to sign in at the office.
Missing School
  • Please call 740-969-7252
  • Please provide a medical excuse if your child has seen a doctor.
  • If you have a pre-arranged absence or you know your child will not be in school, please send a note to the office.
  • Please buzz in at Door B by selecting the middle school option outside the door.
  • You will be required to wear a visitor badge if you request to enter the building beyond the office area.
  • Once your visit is over, please sign out in the main office.